Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
To improve the management systems of modern healthcare institutions, it is important to use the best methods and tools. The practice of quality management standards application indicates that they have to be adapted to the conditions of a particular organization. It should be based on actual involvement of staff in the improvement process. Moreover, demands and complaints of the personnel should be taken into consideration. First of all, one should define the difficulties which prevent the effective management and the methods of their elimination. Second, one should involve the staff in the reformation process. The study investigates ideas and demands expressed by the scientific medical institution management about work improvement. The main research method was an opinion poll based on an original questionnaire. The research subject was the management system of the Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of Russia; the unit of observation was managers of the institution; the research scope involved 41 people working for research. The opinion survey was performed twice: when the improvements were planned (2010) and after the implementation of quality management system project based on the requirements of ISO 9001 standard (2015). The first survey (2010) revealed difficulties in the staff performance. They were grouped into five quality blocks. Each block included improvement measures. The obtained information became the basis for the design of the process model of quality management system. The second survey (2015) showed a change in the structure of difficulties and a weakening of their priority. The study of the demands made by the management personnel of the Research Institute provided an important information about the character of the necessary changes and revealed the drawbacks in the work. The research allowed the management to avoid the gap between the needs of the staff and the ongoing transformations. The authors believe that the ISO 9001 standard may be used as a methodological basis for systematization of the problems in management and their negotiation.
demands of management personnel, scientific medical institution, opinion poll, improvements in work, application of quality management standards
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