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Abstract (English):
Importance. The article analyzes the stages of development of tourism marketing as a field of scientific knowledge in the theory of marketing. Objectives. The purpose of the present research was to analyze the formation and development of the theory of tourist marketing abroad and in Russia. Methodology. The study was based on the content and comparative analysis of foreign and domestic fundamental works on the theory of tourist marketing. Results. The theory of tourist marketing was a logical continuation of the development of the theory of service marketing as a response to the formation of a service-type economy. In the process of evolution of the theory of tourist marketing, it went through two stages. The first stage (1965 – mid-1990s) was devoted to the study of the characteristics of marketing activities in the field of tourism and hospitality at the microenvironment level. The second stage began in the mid-1990s. It was the study of marketing technologies at the level of meso- and macrosystems. Conclusions. The conducted analysis showed that the domestic theory of tourist marketing is derived from foreign studies in this area. In addition, the author distinguishes two main stages in the development of marketing theory in tourism according to the object of study.

place marketing, tourism, tourism enterprises, promotion, tourist services, tourist product
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