Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research features the problem of searching for a model of relations between the state and the business in the conditions of the changing development vector of the Russian economy. An important place in this discussion is the issue of the boundaries of the public and private sectors. Based on the analysis of modern approaches to models of government-business relations, the authors define the role of relations in the state-business tandem. The most effective form of relations is public-private partnership. The development of the partnership between the state and the business is a mechanismfor the implementation of socially significant projects, as close to the market as possible. It contributes to the socio-economic development and the changes in the development vector of resource regions. The paper introduces a classification of relations in the "state-business" tandem. The authors use the basis method of comparative analysis to distinguish two diametrically opposite models of state-business interaction, i.e. pluralistic and corporate. The approach based on the dichotomy of a liberal and a coordinated model is more promising for analyzing the interaction between the state and the business in regions with a mono-profile orientation.

public private partnership, pluralistic model, corporate model, regional state, regional business
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