Tol'yatti, Russian Federation
The quality of life of people and the degree of focus of market economy on the interests of people depend to a great extent on the structure of public institutes, which include formal and informal norms, rules and the organizations that support them. To develop these norms and rules, it is necessary to rely not only on rational considering and calculation of the interacting parties, but also on habits, customs, and traditions. The universal nature of functions of public institutes always acts in the specific ethical cover that reflects the culture of people, their idea of the social justice focused on three fundamental values: equal opportunities, overcoming excess inequalities, and providing honest rules of the game. The institutionalization process includes stages connected with understanding and acceptance by the majority of the principles of socially oriented economy, development of the particular rules, and mechanisms supporting them. Some institutes perform functions of control over the flaws of the market mechanism, others are aimed at alignment of excess social and economic inequalities and ensuring the compensating advantages to everyone.
social institutes, social market economy, institutionalization of social justice, habit, tradition
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