Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The research features the problem of search for modern management technologies for the development of single-industry towns. The author proposes the framework concept "Five Steps of Routine Improvement" as a tool for improving the urban environment. It establishes a differentiated approach to the selection of projects for improvement for each single-unit municipal entity. The paper gives an analysis of the sequence of actions announced within the framework of the 5 steps of the concept. The main problems are connected with the attitude of the municipal authorities and the involvement of residents in solving the problems of the urban environment. The social orientation of the steps of the concept makes it possible to solve the problem of involvement of citizens and to overcome the mentioned problems. To raise municipal management effectiveness, the author proposes to monitor infrastructure facilities to attract business and thus solve the problem of financial resources. A project approach and a complex analysis of all components of the concept can overcome all the barriers.
single-industry touns, urban development, business community, city-forming enterprises
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