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Abstract (English):
Yachmen' proizrastaet prakticheski povsemestno na zemnom share, v Rossii ob'emy proizvodstva yachmenya - samye bol'shie v mire, a tradicii ego upotrebleniya v pischu uhodyat v glubokuyu drevnost', belki yachmenya sposobny obrazovyvat' kleykovinu, chto dalo osnovanie vydvinut' gipotezu o vysokih funkcional'no-tehnologicheskih svoystvah yachmenya i perspektivnosti primeneniya ego v kombinirovannyh molochno-zlakovyh produktah. Pokazana vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniya v recepture molochno-zlakovyh produktov yachmenya s minimal'noy podgotovkoy i maksimal'nym sohraneniem vseh chastey ishodnogo zerna. Tehnologiya termomehanicheskoy obrabotki yachmenya baziruetsya na tradicionnoy tehnologii talgana: zerna yachmenya ochischayut ot postoronnih primesey i obolochek, ochischennyy yachmen' obzharivayut pri temperature 130-150 °S v techenie 5-10 min, obzharennyy yachmen' ohlazhdayut do komnatnoy temperatury i izmel'chayut do razmera chastic 0,25-0,9 mm. Izuchen himicheskiy, v tom chisle aminokislotnyy, mineral'nyy i vitaminnyy, sostav yachmenya posle takoy obrabotki, pokazana ego vysokaya pischevaya i biologicheskaya cennost'. Dokazano, chto podgotovlennyy po takoy tehnologii yachmen' obladaet vysokimi funkcional'no-tehnologicheskimi svoystvami (vodouderzhivayuschaya, zhirouderzhivayuschaya, zhiroemul'giruyuschaya sposobnosti). Izucheny zakonomernosti proyavleniya funkcional'no-tehnologicheskih svoystv obrabotannogo yachmenya v molochno-zlakovom produkte i dokazano, chto yachmen' sohranyaet eti svoystva pri vnesenii v molochno-belkovuyu osnovu. Predlozheno ispol'zovat' podgotovlennyy yachmen' v recepture molochno-zlakovyh produktov s otnositel'no vysokim soderzhaniem vlagi i zhira, takih kak pasty, plavlenye syry, tvorozhnye produkty, molochno-belkovye deserty. Polozhenie proillyustrirovano konkretnoy tehnologiey kombinirovannogo molochno-zlakovogo produkta s obrabotannym yachmenem, gde v kachestve osnovy ispol'zovan koprecipitat.

Dairy-cereal products, barley, thermomechanical processing of barley, functional and technological properties
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Barley grows almost everywhere on the globe. The production of barley in Russia is the largest in the world and its food use tradition dates back to ancient times. The barley proteins can form gluten like wheat. That gave grounds to hypothesize about the barley’ high functional-technological properties and opportunity for application of barley within dairy-cereal products. The possible application of barley with minimum preparation and maximum preservation of all parts of the original grain in the dairy-cereal products recipe is shown. The technology of thermo-mechanical processing of barley is based on traditional talgan technology: barley is cleaned from impurities and shells, peeled barley is roasted at a temperature of 130-150 Celsius degrees for 5-10 minutes, roasted barley is cooled to room temperature and crushed to particle size of 0.25 to 0.9 mm. The chemical composition (including amino acid, mineral and vitamin composition) of barley after such treatment is studied and its high nutritional and biological value are shown. It is proved that treated in this way barley has a high functional-technological properties: water-holding capacity, fat-holding capacity, the ability to emulsify fat. The regularities of the functional-technological properties of treated barley in dairy-cereal products are investigated. It is proved that barley retains these properties when used in dairy-cereal products. It is proposed to use the prepared barley in the recipe of dairy-cereal products with relatively high moisture and fat content, such as processed cheese, cottage-cheese products, pasta and milk-protein desserts. It is illustrated by technology of dairy-cereal product with the processed barley and with a milk protein coprecipitate as the basis.

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