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Abstract (English):
This present research featured brain building in primary school students with speech problems. The article raises the issues of inclusive education, defines the concept of the so-called general speech underdevelopment, and describes its levels. The author studied various theoretical approaches to the problem in question and the cognitive development in children of primary school age. An ascertaining and formative experiment made it possible to study the specifics of mental operations in children with speech developmental issues. A number of non-verbal tests revealed poor formation of mental operations. The children found text-related tasks especially difficult and required additional explanations and visual examples, which was a clear sign of poor abstract thinking. The article introduces some ideas about correctional and developmental extracurricular activities that improve such cognitive skills as analysis, synthesis, and coherent writing.

junior schoolchildren with special educational needs, verbal thinking, non-verbal thinking, effective corrective developmental means of work, innovative methods, correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance, techniques for the development of mental operations, techniques for the development of mental operations, development of coherent writing
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