Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The research featured websites and Instagram accounts of Kuzbass branches of various political parties. The research objective was to identify the quantitative and qualitative features of the information content using T. Parsons' theory of structural functionalism and the methods of systematic and comparative approach, as well as the method of content analysis. The parties used various types of content in different proportions. The official websites and Instagram accounts shared the same content network, the latter being more representative in terms of news content. The United Russia proved to be the most active party in such aspects as communication with potential voters and the amount, frequency, and variety of posts. The Just Russia party mostly popularized its electoral campaign program. The Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party had low quality indicators of news content. The author believes that the Internet communication had a strong effect on the campaign of September 2021 in the Kemerovo Region.
Internet, website, social networks, news content, Internet communication, media policy, political parties, voters, Kemerovo region (Kuzbass)
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