Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2007 until now
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
This research featured the semiotics of student corporate culture at the Kemerovo State University (Kemerovo, Russia) and the concept of corporate campus culture in scientific literature. Corporate culture unites the semiotics of behavioral patterns, university events, student communities, university media, etc. New subjects of the academic process get integrated into the established corporate culture according to the basic laws of the semiosphere, i.e. rituals and initiations. The initiation character of university culture can be explained by the fact that students find themselves in threshold situations much more often than members of other social groups. Academics (mentors) pass the code of university ethics to students (neophytes). Not only do academic activities develop knowledge and skills, but they also integrate students into the new sociocultural environment, promote their development, and encourage self-realization, thus emphasizing their belonging to the university community. In the modern digital environment, university media are especially important for corporate culture. At the Kemerovo State University, students publish newspapers and make TV programs. University media consolidate the corporate members, i.e. students, academic staff, and employees, as well as attract the external audience, i.e. applicants, partner organizations, etc. Traditional forms with updated content proved to be the most effective ways of including first-year students in corporate culture.
semiosphere, ritual, ritual model, initiation, student culture, image of the university, mass media
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