Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows the prospects of neo-industrial development in the Donetsk People's Republic with its long industrial history. Neo-industrialization as a concept of modern economic development is also relevant for the socio-economic systems of unrecognized or partly-recognized states. The industrial sector of the Donetsk People's Republic is a foundation for its modern socio-economic development and provides a good potential for neo-industrialization. The prospects depend on the development of the industrial base and qualified workers. The author analyzed some sectors of the socio-economic system and qualified personnel resources. The analysis showed a low level of information security in the sphere of socio-economic activity, including the completeness and reliability of the statistical data. The author also performed a comparative cross-country analysis of the socio-economic development of unrecognized or partly-recognized states, which shared some economic patterns, regardless of the starting conditions. The article introduces prospective directions of socio-economic development for such states with an emphasis on their neo-industrial economy.

neo-industrialization, socio-economic potential, economic development, unrecognized state, economic model, economic isolation, industry, production structure, high technology
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