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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the readiness of university academic staff to implement educational activities, its essence, and development. Educational activities are an important part of pedagogical training. Faculty members are to be proficient in the forms and methods of educational work with students. In this article, the structure of readiness for educational activities was described as an interaction of its structural elements. The methodology included activity-based and competence-based approaches, as well as literary review and the author’s own practical experience in educational work at university. The pedagogical guidelines were identified as follows: the goal of educational activities at university, the pedagogical tasks to achieve the goal, and the professional skills of faculty members to solve pedagogical problems. The professional skills were grouped by the method and form of their implementation as organizational, developmental, gnostic, perceptual, and reflective skills. The readiness for educational activities in higher education is the readiness to apply this set of skills during the academic process and to develop them. Its structure is an integrity of practice-oriented, motivational, axiological, and reflective components. These components allow faculty members to adjust the academic process to the current education standards. The readiness to implement educational activities depends on what the university administration and the department have to offer the faculty staff in order to ensure the positive dynamics of the educational process. The research made it possible to construct a tool that could catalyze the development of organizational, developmental, gnostic, perceptual, and reflective skills in faculty members on a scientific basis.

higher school, educational activities, readiness of faculty members, practical readiness, theoretical readiness, professional skills
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