Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ensuring the safety and quality of perishable food products (SPP) is impossible without the organization of continuous refrigeration chains (CCC) with the creation of traceability systems for the «temperature history» of products from production to sale. Traceability systems are aimed at identifying and timely elimination of violations of temperature regimes for storage and transportation of SPP during the operation of the NCC. The article presents an algorithm for creating «temperature history» traceability systems, defines a list of research projects to study the dependence of safety and quality indicators of the SPP on the product temperature and the relationship between the product temperature and the temperature of the cooling medium, presents the nomenclature of regulatory, technical and organizational and methodological documentation necessary for effective organization and operation of such systems.

continuous cold chain, temperature regime, perishable food product, traceability system algorithm, «temperature history» of the product.
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