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Abstract (English):
The milk-clotting and general proteolytic activity of an engineered variant of recombinant reindeer chymosin (Rangifer tarandus) with a point amino acid replacement Lys53→Glu was studied. Commercial recombinant cow and single-humped camel chymosins were used as comparison enzymes. It is shown that the total proteolytic activity of the engineered variant of reindeer chymosin is 36 % lower than that of recombinant cow chymosin. The engineered version of recombinant reindeer chymosin was characterized by extremely low relative milk-clotting activity, which led to a decrease in its specificity, compared with recombinant cow and camel chymosins by 2,4 and 9,8 times respectively.

reindeer, chymosin, recombinant chymosin, milk-clotting activity, proteolytic activity, cheesemaking
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