s. Zasechnoe, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
The subject of the research is methodological, social, educational, and other tools aimed at socializing student youth and forming their self-determination and active civic position in the process of studying in educational organizations. The purpose is to propose methodological recommendations for the development of socio-pedagogical technologies aimed at the formation of a state-oriented personality in the process of education and upbringing in higher and secondary vocational education organizations. The research methodology is based on the applied and fundamental research of students’ patriotic, spiritual, moral, and civic education, the formation of civic identity and certain aspects of socio-pedagogical technologies used in the development of students’ social activity. A set of measures for classroom and extracurricular work aimed at the formation of a state-oriented personality has been developed. The proposed methodological, social, and educational tools can become the basis for the development and implementation of educational plans and concepts of patriotic education of student youth that meet the requirements of the humanitarian concept of education and aim at educating a state-oriented personality.
civic identity, socio-pedagogical technologies, state-oriented personality, education, patriotism, extracurricular work
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