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Abstract (English):
Dairy spreads are popular all over the world. However, the Russian market of dairy spreads should rely both on the modern concept of healthy nutrition and the domestic strategy for improving the quality of food products. The authors optimized the fatty component of cream cheese spreads by adding rapeseed oil. The article introduces its fatty acid composition and effect on the structural, mechanical, physical, chemical, and sensory indicators of the finished product. The indicial cream cheese vegetable spread had a fat mass fraction of 72.5 %; the share of rapeseed oil added to the fat phase was 10–40 %. The rapeseed oil had no negative impact on the sensory profile of the spread. However, as the proportion of rapeseed oil increased, the structural and mechanical properties deteriorated. The consistency became too soft, which made it difficult to cut the mass into bricks. If the share of rapeseed oil exceeded 10 %, the spread had to be packaged in plastic boxes. The article contains some recommendations on how to obtain the optimal consistency, structural properties, and consumer appeal of the new cream cheese vegetable spread.

spread, fat phase, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil
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