Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article introduces a comparative analysis of storage capacity of butter packaged in different ways. Butter with a fat fraction of 72.5 % was studied in a monolith sample with stabilized structure and in fluid state during processing. The authors traced the changes in sensory, microbiological, and physicochemical parameters using standard methods at different temperature conditions. When the storage conditions followed State Standard GOST 32261, the in-line packaging method proved more effective: it reduced microbiological risks and increased the shelf-life of the packaged butter. The product also proved resistant to aggravated temperatures, which means that such butter would be able to preserve its quality and safety even under cold chain violations during transportation and sales. The spoilage test results can be used to predict the storage capacity of packaged butter based on initial contamination with various microorganisms.

butter, microbiological indicators, quality, storage capacity, oxidative spoilage
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