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Abstract (English):
Cheeses with unconventional taste properties are currently very popular among various segments of consumers. Taste is the fundamental of sensory evaluation; it determines the consumers’ choice and buying decision. The sensory profile of cheese develops as a result of enzymatic processes during maturation, which are initiated by the starter culture microflora. These biochemical processes and their intensity depend on the species and strain composition of starter cultures. Propionic acid bacteria affect enzymatic processes during maturation. As a result, the cheese accumulates a wide range of flavor compounds that give it a characteristic taste, aroma, consistency, and pattern. Taste assessment methods rely on the correlation between volatile compounds and sensory properties. They reveal the taste complexity and variability of different brands of cheeses with propionic acid bacteria. These methods improve the taste profile and quality of cheeses during storage.

propionic acid bacteria, cheese with propionic acid bacteria, technological features, sensory evaluation, cheese taste
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