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Abstract (English):
Innovative activities in education make it possible to follow the priority directions and state policy in the national economic development. This research featured the problems of preparing future teachers for innovative activities in education organizations of different levels. The author formulated the basic concepts of innovation, innovative activity, and readiness, as well as studied the experience in changing curriculum to develop the readiness for innovations in future school teachers. The theory was supported by cases of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical institutes. Readiness for innovative activity is a non-specific type of activity. First of all, it should be adopted by the teaching staff. The article describes the experience of organizing additional professional training programs for college professors to be engaged in shaping the readiness for innovative activities in future teachers. The course prepared them for adapting and updating the curriculum and methodological support for the academic disciplines of History of Pedagogy and Education, Design of Academic Programs, and Pedagogical Technologies. Another case featured an additional program for professional training for teachers seeking to improve their innovative competences. The list of research methods included a review of psychological and pedagogical articles; the method of survey revealed the readiness of teaching personnel for innovative activities; the method of observation made it possible to assess and self-assess the ability to participate in innovative activities. The research yielded new syllabuses and methodological support for developing the readiness of future teachers for innovative activities at different levels of education, as well as an additional professional training program that prepare specialists to participate in innovative activities in preschool and general education.

innovation, innovative activity, readiness, continuity, readiness to innovative activities, future teacher
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