Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article describes psychophysiological, cognitive, and regulatory processes demonstrated by students of higher and vocational education in modern academic environment, as well as the factors affecting their academic performance. The research included 42 students that majored in Informatics at Kemerovo State University and 90 students of similar specializations from Siberian Polytechnic Technical College. The empirical part relied on R. Amthauer’s Intelligence Structure Test, motivational questionnaires, emotional state tests, and psychophysiological tremormetric and visual motor tests. Cognitive and regulatory processes proved to correlate with psychophysiological indicators. The university students showed a stronger correlation between mathematical skills and academic achievements. Being more practically oriented, the college students demonstrated better stress resistance and hand-to-eye coordination. The university students were guided mostly by intrinsic motives related to personal development while the college students concentrated on financial rewards and career growth. In both groups, cognitive abilities went down under stress. Individualized approach in training and the need to develop self-control can enhance the intellectual productivity and maintain psychological health in students.

cognitive processes, regulatory processes, psychophysiological processes, intellectual abilities, psychometric intelligence, psychology of learning, higher education, vocational education
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