Tomsk, Russian Federation
Tomsk, Russian Federation
The ontology of contemporary political reality is subjective, because it is an artificial national world that provides a vivid semantic reality in order to resist the deconstruction of political semantics. A nation is an imaginary construct that can be analyzed at two levels. Theoretical research covers some general characteristics of imaginary worlds and identifies them. Empirical level provides the symbolic practice of constructing imaginary political realities. The authors studied the example of Arab-Israeli antithetical representations to define the concept of imaginary political world, as well as to identify the semantic practices of constituting the national image. The study relied on the political-constructivist approach to reconstruct the nation as a narrative in order to identify the semantic structure of the imaginary world based on myths and heroic symbols applied as facts aka. constructs to a particular political reality. The authors came up with an idea of a modern nation reassembled as a new structure and an imaginary political reality renovated symbolically and axiologically as a result of a protracted legitimacy crisis. The new images of nations get incorporated in the communicative sphere of mediatized politics to become a new political reality.
imaginary world, image of the nation, political semantic world, mythological and heroic model of reality, construction of values
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