Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The resent research featured psychological and pedagogical approaches to determining the essential characteristics of coherent speech as a higher mental function. The article focuses on coherent speech development in senior preschoolers and project activities that improve it. The research objective was to study related scientific sources and experimentally justify the efficiency of project activities that improve various parameters of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age. The paper introduces qualitative characteristics of coherent speech development in senior preschoolers. Its specific features include variability in the formation levels of skills to generate simple and complex sentences, as well as to retell and compose texts. The article describes various technologies of coherent speech development, including project activities in the process of interaction between an adult and a child. The experiment confirmed a positive impact of project activities on the coherent speech of senior preschoolers.

senior preschoolers, features of the coherent speech development, formation criteria, narrative story, descriptive story, technologies for the formation of connected speech, elements of project activity
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