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Abstract (English):
The development of low-lactose curd mass with the addition of vegetable base ingredients is an urgent socio-economic task in Vietnam, as well as in other countries of Southeast Asia. An optimal recipe and technology for the production of low-lactose curd mass with papaya puree has been developed. The organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the obtained product were studied and its shelf life was substantiated. The technology was tested under production conditions of Khapharco Nha Trang (Vietnam). The economic efficiency of the production for the developed product in Vietnam industrial conditions has been established. Product will provide the residents of Vietnam have lactose intolerance with the necessary nutrients contained in dairy products, increase the industrial production of dairy products, expand the variety and quality of the existing line of specialized products, reduce imports in Vietnam.

lactose intolerance, low-lactose fermented milk product, papaya puree
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