Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
As a result of the analysis of the technological system for the production of dry granulated food concentrates, it has been revealed that the key contradictions in the formation of product quality arise in the subsystem of concentration of an extract and whey mixture. In the present paper on the improvement of the technology of instant granular products, including those on the basis of a chokeberry extract and milk whey, the process of concentration of their mixture has been studied, and the quality of the instant granular breakfast prepared using a concentrate has been estimated. To solve technical contradictions, studies were carried out using an example of the chokeberry extract, obtained both from the dried and frozen raw materials subjected to grinding in a mixture with curd whey. The combined concentration of whey and the extract made it possible to avoid the foaming characteristic of whey concentration, and also to exclude the process of mixing high viscosity masses from the technological flow, and the replacement of the processes of "drying and grinding" with "freezing and grinding" made it possible, first, to intensify the process and, second, to ensure a more complete extraction of BAS. A mathematical model of the process has been created, the regimes and parameters of concentration have been developed in a rotary-film evaporator operating under vacuum; the regulated indicators of nutritional value, the terms and modes of storage have been determined.

Ключевые слова:
Concentrating, extract, chokeberry, whey, concentration process, process model, quality indicators
Список литературы

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