Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The modern trends in the field of food quality management place emphasis on ensuring the traceability and systemic control of the parameters of the life cycle of products. ISO 9000 international standards recommend a process approach for these purposes. Since the standards do not give direct recommendations on the procedure for estimating the effectiveness of the quality management system (QMS), the development of approaches is an extremely urgent task for developers and has a wide application value. The given paper proposes a mathematical model for the complex estimation of the effectiveness of the QMS of a food enterprise. At the first stage, IDEF0 functional modeling methods were used to identify the processes of the life cycle of food products. Then, using the qualimetric approach, 27 unique indices were generated and coefficients were determined for each of them using Fishburn's weight coefficients. To derive a mathematical model for the complex estimation of the effectiveness of QMS processes of a food enterprise, all data were summarized from four levels of the hierarchy. The proposed mathematical model includes the quantitative and qualitative estimation of enterprise processes. The estimation indicators form a treelike hierarchy in which the factors of each sublevel have their own weight coefficients and are in preference or indifference relation to each other. The application of a mathematical model for the complex estimation of the effectiveness of QMS of a food or processing enterprise allows full compliance with the requirements of international standards, but does not require significant financial costs for implementation.

Ключевые слова:
Quality management system, effectiveness, food enterprise, process approach
Список литературы

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